Submitted by Patrick Graeff. FTF trailer, constructed during 70's.
Louhan 71 in France. Stop building in 1980 and the last 3 sold to Laurent SAUTEREL. Side car Builder in Swiss. I bought to him
one in 1980 or 1981. Since the year 80/81, first behind a 850 Moto guzzi California
with Briggs Sidecar(GB) - in 82 behind a Goldwing 1100 with EML Sidecar(NL)
- in 97 behind a HD 1340 Electra Glide with Jewell Sidecar(F)
I sold it to a Friend (HD -Electra Blue picture) last year. Begining of 90's I saw a kind of this trailor but the hitch was in the bottom.
The box was the same, fitting was different. No picture. If you have any interest i can search old pictures. Now, I'm looking for a
trailer for my HD Street Glide (kind of Pav style). Sorry for my bad english, Nice web site, Bye, best regards
Nicolas Sapin sent me the Ebay France ad for this trailer.
This is the text from the auction in french:
REMORQUE BAGAGERE POUR MOTO MARQUE "VOYAGER" longueur1 m hauteur 85 cm- volume 220l -suspension double
effet -roue de 3.50 -circuit électrique -rotule á friction -2 béquilles rétractables il vous reste a
fabriquer le systeme d'attache sur votre moto la remorque est en bon état général mais a raffraichir,
quelques vis a changer
Hi there, I just came across your website having recently gotten interested in single wheel motorcycle
trailers. Fantastic website, great info & excellent links, thankyou. I live in Indonesia & have a sizeable
collection of Vespas, Lambrettas & Iso Milanos, but as yet I do not have a trailer for any of them! Anyway
I thought you might be interested in the enclosed scan of a 1953 Single wheel trailer, as basic as you can
get, I would think for either a Vespa or Lambretta. The scan is taken from Ardor of Paris 1953 Catalogue,
I hope you can use it. Best wishes - David JJ Breese